Your award announcement will make a superb enhancement to your website, as will the various logos of those well-known media outlets. The effect of associating your company, organization or personal brand with these respected and established entities is an immediate credibility upgrade.
This perceptual “halo effect” has been proven highly beneficial time and time again in controlled marketing studies, and CredibilityPR™ harnesses it for you in order to greatly accelerate your success in accessing and capturing your target audience so that they may be converted to customers and clients.
In terms of maximizing your return on investment (ROI) in publicity and PR, nothing even approaches the sheer results of this strategy. Some CredibilityPR™ clients have even used one or more of our services in addition to their regular ongoing PR and media campaigns with other firms as a means of supercharging their name recognition, authority, and credibility.
Informative Videos

CredibilityPR™ is a provider of the most innovative, unique, and surprisingly inexpensive public relations and publicity tools for you, your brand, and your organization, whether you are an early-stage enterprise looking to scale to the next level, or a well-established industry leader looking to acquire market share from your competition. While we are best known for our suite of third-party endorsement packages, we also have plans and packages to suit your most immediate and pressing needs. First, we’ll introduce our award-winning endorsement products…
CredibilityPR™ enables you to cost-effectively dominate the media and search engine results. Fast. Guaranteed. We do not engage in lengthy publicity campaigns or drawn-out strategies in order to achieve visible, measurable results. Our approach maximizes efficiency, and we are the best at what we do.
CredibilityPR™ leverages our deep contacts with influencers, digital publications, and endorsement resources for your direct PR benefit. These influencers, digital publications and endorsement resources are constantly on the lookout for new people, brands, and organizations to write about, to spotlight, and to showcase through the issuance of meaningful endorsements and awards. These endorsements highlight your most important attributes… those positive factors that differentiate you from your competition and from the rest of the crowd… the selling points that you want to get across to your target audience in order to rapidly build your credibility, authority, name recognition, and sales revenues.
Your endorsement, once received, is then exponentially amplified by the announcement of the breaking news by such well-known high domain authority media outlets as Yahoo! News, MarketWatch, Fox News, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS Morningstar, Benzinga, StreetInsider, and Mashable. And, just like that, your brand and its message are in front of a combined readership and subscriber base in excess of 60 million people.
Other Powerful PR Tools For Immediate Deployment
A selected group of our CredibilityPR™ plans have been very specially designed to address your most immediate and pressing needs. These are the Reputation Repair PLUS™ Package, the Backlinks PLUS™ Package, and our very popular Press Release PLUS™ Package. Learn more about these on our SERVICES page.

CredibilityPR™ will interview you and conduct a confidential analysis of either your product, your service offering, or your organizational or professional proposition (as appropriate), to determine your strongest differentiating strength. We identify those features that make your proposition unique, interesting, and desirable. We then engage with selected influencers, digital publications, and endorsement resources to recommend you, your brand, or your organization as a worthy recipient for a particular type of favorable mention. Examples of some of the possible types of endorsement focus include these:
- Best New Product
- Best Customer Service
- Most Environmentally Conscious
- Most Charitable
- Most Eco-Friendly
- Best In Its Class
- Highest Growth Prospect (Investor-Focused)
- Most Interesting Innovation
- Leadership Award
- Corporate Citizenship Award
- Best New Product Line (Retailer- and Distributor-Focused)
Once your endorsement is received and the breaking news follows, two significant things occur quickly: You will receive 1) increased search engine visibility and prominence, and 2) increased inquiries and website visits from prospective customers, clients, members, investors, retailers, distributors, followers, etc., as applicable for your target objective.
The time frame associated with accomplishing this, from inception to media distribution of the important breaking news, is typically less than 30 days. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to find any other publicity tool that could achieve this type of results in such a rapid time frame. And CredibilityPR™ guarantees these results.
The type of endorsement that you receive will be relevant to 1) the precise nature of what you are offering, and, 2) your specific desired target audience. Through our interview and evaluation processes, CredibilityPR™ will confer with you on the best and most relevant type of endorsement to meet your promotional objectives and to ensure an optimal fit.
Some Examples: If you are a B2C company, we will gear your endorsement toward a retail consumer audience; if you are a B2B company, we will gear your endorsement toward a business audience; if you are a manufacturer or wholesaler, we will gear your endorsement toward distributors and retailers; if you are a membership organization, we will gear your endorsement toward the appropriate population of prospective members; if you are an expert or consultant, we will gear your endorsement toward the appropriate population of prospective clients, who may be either individuals, businesses or organizations; and, lastly, if you are involved in the capitalization process, we will gear your endorsement toward your targeted institutional or individual investor prospects.

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Visibility. Authority. Credibility.