Press Releases
According to Wikipedia, a press release is “an official statement delivered to members of the news media for the purpose of providing information, creating an official statement, or making an announcement directed for public release. Press releases are also considered a primary source, meaning they are original informants for information. A press release is traditionally composed of nine structural elements, including a headline, dateline, introduction, body, and other components. Press releases are typically delivered to news media electronically, ready to use, and often subject to “do not use before” time.” But, in fact, a press release is really so much more.
A professionally-crafted and widely distributed press release, is one of the most powerful PR tools in your arsenal. It is, in essence, news that you create, controlling the narrative completely. It is a branding opportunity, a messaging opportunity, and a search engine result that builds your bank of positive information from the standpoint of reputation management. It has the potential to persuade readers to visit your website to learn more about you and your brand.
There is no substitute for a solid, professionally-prepared press release, either directly issued or issued by a credible third party, to achieve large audience access across multiple online media outlets. To be certain that you get your message to the largest possible target audience, CredibilityPR™ offers the Press Release PLUS™ package. Find out more about this package by clicking HERE.

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A well-written press release is a brief but newsworthy publication which favorably showcases some important and positive aspect of your brand, entity or organization, or about you (personally or professionally) as a visionary or thought leader. A press release is then distributed by a wire service to editors, journalists, publishers and bloggers who will decide whether or not to pick up the release as a news item depending upon its quality or relevance. There is no substitute for a solid, professionally-prepared press release, either directly issued or issued by a credible third party, to achieve large audience access across multiple online media outlets. To be certain that you get your message to the largest possible target audience, CredibilityPR™ offers the Press Release PLUS™ package.
Tips For Crafting An Impactful Press Release
Compelling Headline-
Your headline should be pointed and provocative, and not merely a passive-sounding announcement. It should ask or answer a question, or make a declarative statement about something that would be interesting to a reader.
Powerful Summary-
Your summary should be a good, fact-filled briefing about what the entire body of the release contains. It is a sort of detailed, concentrated “coming attractions” component of the release.
Newsworthy Content-
The subject matter and content of the release should be more about breaking news than mere recital of information. It should be in the form of a short, exciting story, if this is at all possible. Your release should never be an advertisement.
“Go-To” Anchor Text Links-
Incorporate up to one in-text hyperlink to your website or webpage in the body of your release so that readers can simply click on that link and explore your website or webpage to either learn more, or to take advantage of what you are offering.
Authoritative Quotations-
Notable quotes from either company or organizational spokespersons or from other experts speaking about the company, organization, products, services, or ideas add real credibility and deeper reader engagement to your release.
Supporting Statistics-
Support the points made in your release with statistics. Readers are fascinated by statistics, which lend further credibility to your releases.
Solid Contact Information-
Give readers and media outlets multiple means of contacting you or your media relations representative to obtain further information about the subject matter of your press release.
The better your press release, the greater the number of media outlets that will pick it up and republish it for their readers. There is both art and science associated with the preparation of an exceptional press release, and to ensure the greatest return on your press release investment, you should have your release professionally prepared and formatted. CredibilityPR™ offers the Press Release PLUS™ package.

The Nine Key Components Of A Press Release
Release Time-
The release time is found at the top left of a press release, and it indicates when the press release should be published. It usually says one of two things; either “For Immediate Release,” or “Embargoed Until [Date].” “Embargoed Until [Date]” means the press release isn’t to be published until the date listed.
The headline should state, in no uncertain terms, exactly what the text of the press release is about. It should be written to impart a sense of importance and urgency. Centered in the page, it is usually in bold lettering.
The summary is a brief synopsis of the content of the press release. It highlights the main points of the whole release, allowing the reader to get a good idea of what the story is about without having to read through the entire document. In online press release distribution, the summary is typically displayed in listings with the headline.
The dateline includes the date of the press release followed by the the town or city in which the news is taking place. For example, if the company is based in New York City, the dateline would include New York, NY, preceded by the date.
This is the full text (the “story”) of the press release. Usually, the first paragraph summarizes the 5 W’s of the story (who, what, where, when, and why), and is followed by quotations and any supporting facts, statistics, and details.
Boiler Plate-
The boiler plate is a paragraph that gives a general overview of the person, company, organization, product, or service that is the subject of the release. Usually, it follows a line that says “About”.
Call to Action-
This is a brief line following the boiler plate that usually starts with “For more information about the [company, product, or person being discussed in the press release] contact [PR Relations contact’s name, number, and email address].
Contact Details-
This section contains as much contact info related to the company, product, or person issuing the release as possible, including mailing address, email address, and telephone number.
At the very end of the release, let the publisher know that there is no further information by centering three hash marks (###) on the page.

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