Home Editorial Policies

Editorial Policies

by c50fu

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CredibilityPR always seeks, particularly with its press release and endorsement package plans, to reach the largest possible audience with your information in order to maximize visibility and readership of the news about you, your brand, your organization, or about your product, service or other offering. In certain cases, but not in every case, we may, at our option, decline to publish or distribute, or may choose to editorially limit, content that relates to any of the following subjects:   

Sexually Explicit Content Or Sexual Enhancement Products

Third Party Legal Releases

Intent To Harm And Hate Speech

Unauthorized Stock Ticker Symbols

Online Gambling

Payday Loans, Short Term Loans, Or Merchant Cash Advances

Gun Topics

Online Pharmaceuticals

Tobacco And Vaping Products

Weight Loss Products, Services, Or Technologies

Health Supplements

Easy Money Schemes

Stock Recommendations Or Investment Advice

BlackHat SEO Tactics

Again, the above subject matter is not strictly prohibited, but CredibilityPR reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to either decline to publish or decline to promote certain types of content in the interest of providing the best possible level of service and in keeping with our most important policy, which is client satisfaction.